Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I went outside once today, and that was to check the  mail. It didn't get above 38 degrees, and it was gloomy out, like it wanted to snow, but couldn't. I hope it does snow soon!
Sweater: H&M, Leggings: Uniqlo, Boots: Frye Paige Cuff

Tank: T.J. Maxx, Plaid Flannel: My Dad

This sweater tunic really makes you appear larger, that is why I mainly just wear it when lounging around the house and in general being lazy, plus the only reason I have the boots on is because I checked the mail, thick men's camper socks from Jack's 99 Cents Store in N.Y.C are worn on the feet.

Please do keep warm, it's turning frosty out there.

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